Resource Center

Los Cerrillos Community Plan was adopted by Resolution 1999-129. Los Cerrillos Community Plan was created to address concerns about how growth around and in the Village would affect the quality and quantity of water in Los Cerrillos, and to identify policies that will guide growth into the future.
Cerrillos Community Plan

Santa Fe County
102 Grant Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501-2061  
(505) 986-6200

Santa Fe County Dump Permit

SF County Constituent Services
Animal control, repair pot hole, snow or ice removal, graffiti removal
M-F, 8-5pm.  (505) 955-2701  or 983-4309 

Santa Fe County Road Maintenance
(505) 992-3010

NM DOT (Dist 5) Cerrillos Yard
(505) 471-3762

Santa Fe County Sheriff Department
(505) 986-2400

Santa Fe County Sheriff Department — Non-Emergency
(505) 428-3720

Turquoise Trail Volunteer Fire Department
(505) 474-8282

Trash Service
MCT (800) 876-8651 or (505) 345-8651